Returning Student Room Selection

Returning students will select their 2025-2026 housing assignments during the Spring 2025 semester. Students will complete their housing application, create roommate groups, and select their housing using the Housing Portal.

Application and Room Selection Timeline

Cluster Housing Application Process

There are three Cluster Housing opportunities, including the following: the Pre-Professional Cluster, the Social Justice Cluster, and the Sustainability Cluster. For more information about Cluster Housing, click here. Students who wish to live in Cluster Housing must submit both a Cluster Housing Application, and the 2024-2025 Housing Application.

January 30, 2024: Housing Application opens
February 27, 2024 at 11:59pm: Housing Application and Cluster Housing Application closes 
March 5, 2024: Room selection time slots emailed to students
March 5, 2024 to March 12, 2024: Roommate grouping period
March 12, 2024: Room Selection Day* (9am-4pm CST)

*Students will receive a room selection time slot on a designated Room Selection Day.

Traditional Student Housing Application

January 28, 2025: Housing Application Open 
February 25, 2025 at 11:59pm: Housing Application closes
February 28, 2025: Room selection time slots emailed to students
February 28, 2025 at 9am to March 17, 2025 at 4pm: Roommate grouping period
March 18, 2025: Rising 4th Year Student Room Selection Day* (9am-4pm CST)
March 19, 2025: Rising 3rd Year Student Room Selection Day* (9am-4pm CST)

March 20, 2025: Rising 3rd Year Student Room Selection Day* (9am-4pm CST)
March 25, 2025: Rising 2nd Year Student Room Selection Day* (9am-4pm CST)
March 26, 2025: Rising 2nd Year Student Room Selection Day* (9am-4pm CST)
March 27, 2025: Rising 2nd Year Student RoomSelection Day* (9am-4pm CST)
April 7, 2025: Wishlist Opens
April 18, 2025: Wishlist Closes
*Students will receive a room selection time slot on a designated Room Selection Day.

Additional Important Dates

January 17, 2025: Deadline to submit application and "Provider Form" for housing accommodations to Goldman Center to ensure review of request for accommodations prior to Returning Room Selection.

Room Selection Information and Support Events


  • Roommate Matching in the Housing Portal Video Tutorial


  • Room Selection Video Tutorial

    The above videos were recorded for the 2024-2025 housing application; the information they provide is accurate for the 2025-2026 housing application.


Q&A Sessions with the Assignments Team

We will be having two Q&A sessions, February 19 and February 27 from 12-1pm in the Small Family Collaboration Hub Garage.

Looking for a Roommate?

  • Students who receive a time slot will be able to search for a roommate using the roommate search function in the Housing Portal to find compatible roommates.
  • Post to your class Facebook group to find other people looking for roommates.
  • Talk with your Resident Advisor to get help connecting to other students that may need a roommate. 

Room Information

Want to see a room in a residence hall and learn more about the different features in each of our communities? Check out our 360 degree photos of our communities. 

Individual Support for Students

Got a question on roommate matching or room selection? Need advice? Housing and Residence Life staff are available to support students via email, phone and individual meetings prior to and during Returning Student Room Selection. Don't hesitate to contact our office and we will route your inquiry to the right staff member to assist. 

Additionally, Housing and Residence Life staff will be available during room selection days to help students select their spaces. If you have an immediate question during room selection, please call our office or stop by the HUB garage. Students are welcome to bring their laptops to the HUB garage during 9am-4pm on Room Selection Days to get additional assistance while selecting or they may call our office if they are not on-campus.

Returning Student Housing Application

The Housing Application is not complete until the Housing Agreement has been signed. All students living in on-campus housing for the 2025-2026 academic year must electronically sign a Housing Agreement.

Preferences: You will be asked in the application for your housing preferences. This is for the planning purposes of Housing and Residence Life and does not guarantee you any particular building or room. You will be able to select any available space during Room Selection.

General Housing, Mixed Gender Housing and Gender Affirming Housing: Students must pick one of three housing options. If you intend to live in the same room, suite, or apartment as someone who has a different gender, you can opt in to Mixed Gender Housing or Gender Affirming Housing. You may only form a roommate group with students who select the same option as you. See section below for more information.

Include in Search: If you do not select the “Include in Search” box you will not be able to be added to a roommate group and other students will not be able to find you in the Housing Portal. 

Screen names: Students use this to search for you in the Housing Portal during Roommate Matching. Choose a screen name that will be easy for your friends to find during Roommate Matching. We recommend your Tulane user name.

Roommate Profile: These information sections include answering Lifestyle Questions and are for students to search for a roommate they do not know already, or to assign students together. All students are encouraged to fill this out, even those that know the people they want to live with. This information will be used should a space become vacant in your living unit at a later date. The roommate profile includes answering "lifestyle questions" that allow you to share preferences about your everyday living, including how clean you like to keep your room, your typical sleep schedule, and more. 

Canceling Your Application: Students not required to live on-campus may cancel their applications any time up until they select a room by filling out a Housing Assignment Release Request form. Cancellation fees may apply if request to cancel occurs after selecting a room.

Room Selection Time Slots

Students eligible to select a room will receive a time slot in early March. Your time slot indicates when you will be able to log in to the Housing Portal to select your room. You may log in any time after your time slot, but not before. Room selection is only allowed on the selection dates listed at the top of the page between the hours of 9am - 4pm. Time slots are assigned randomly via a computer algorithm. Only students with time slots can select a room. Students are highly encouraged to log-in and select a room at their time slot for best room availability. 

Students that do not complete an application on time will not receive a time slot, can not enter into a roommate group, and will not be able to select a room. Students required to live on campus that do not apply on time will be housed from the remaining inventory of rooms after the conclusion of room selection. 

For rising fourth-year students - if you are issued a time slot but do not select a room you will not be automatically assigned to a space. 

Roommate Grouping

If you are interested in selecting a suite with your friend(s) you must create a group. Groups are created in the Housing Portal by returning to the 2025-2026 Housing Application, and clicking on the Roommate Matching page. Once you receive a time slot, you can log into the Housing Portal and form a group and determine who is the Group Leader. The Group Leader should be the person with the earliest time slot. 


  • Name the group, create a group password, and specify the number of students that will be in the group (including the group leader themselves). The group name and password should be something simple, appropriate, and easy to remember.
  • Add everyone to the group. Group members can add themselves by searching for the group name and entering the password. Students cannot be in more than one group at a time. Students already assigned to a room cannot be added to a group.
    • The group leader may also share the group name and password with potential group members so that they may request to add themselves to the group. If a group member adds themselves to a group using a group name and password, the group leader must "accept" the request from the group members to officially add them to the group. 
  • Groups can be 2-5 people. Groups must fill all the beds in a suite or apartment. Any individual or group that can not fill all the beds in their suite will need to come to the HUB Garage on their assignment day for assistance with their process. 
  • Select Beds/Rooms for the Group. During the Group Leader’s time slot, they are responsible to select the beds/rooms for each of the group members.


  • Accept. You must accept your membership into a group once added by the Group Leader to confirm inclusion in a roommate group. 
    • If you add yourself to a group using a group name and password, the Group Leader for that group must accept your request. 
  • Confirm. Once the Group Leader has reserved your bed/room, log into the Housing Portal to confirm your housing assignment.


  • Only students that applied on time and received a time slot may be added to your group.
  • Students may be in a roommate group with students of any sex or gender if all students in the roommate group selected Mixed Gender Housing or Gender Affirming Housing on their application. All students in the roommate group must have selected the same option to find each other in roommate grouping.
  • Students are highly encouraged to finalize roommate groups prior to room selection and to assign the student with the earliest time slot in the group as group leader.
  • Students should form roommate groups that fill an entire unit. 

Room Selection

If you wish to participate in Room Selection as a group, the Group Leader should log on to the Housing Portal during their time slot and do the following:

  • Search for a room by location
  • Select a room/suite/apartment. Assign all group members to beds/rooms. All available beds must be assigned.
  • Confirm your housing assignment.


  • The Group Leader may sign in to the Housing Portal from the moment your time slot begins to the end of the housing selection period. Please keep in mind that every 15 minutes, a new group of students will have access to the Housing Portal to select their rooms, so it is to your advantage to choose your room and confirm your assignment as early as you can. Once you choose a room you are happy with, you must confirm your room choice.
  • Groups must fill all beds in a suite or apartment. Individuals or groups that cannot do this must come to the HUB Garage anytime after their selection time for assistance. 
  • Once the Group Leader selects a room, the room assignment cannot be changed at a later time, even if the room selection period is still ongoing. Any changes must be requested on the Wishlist which will open in April. 
  • Once the Group Leader selects the room/suite/apartment, all students in a roommate group must confirm their room assignment in the Housing Portal. 
  • Students should avoid being in the Housing Portal unnecessarily. This ensures that there are not too many people in the Housing Portal and that everything continues to run smoothly for all students.
  • Students that do not like the room options available during their time slot are encouraged to choose a room and participate in the room change process that follows housing selection. The room change process begins with joining the Wish List (please see the below tab for more information). 
  • At the end of Returning Student Room Selection, students will receive an email confirmation of their room assignment and roommates.
  • Rooms can only be selected between 9am -4pm on the dates listed at the top of the page, and only after your timeslot has begun. 

Mixed Gender Housing and Gender Affirming Housing

Housing and Residence Life is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive experience for students and to working with all students to meet their housing needs in an environment that promotes the dignity of all people.

Students have the choice to opt in to Mixed Gender Housing or Gender Affirming Housing. If you do not opt in to either Mixed Gender or Gender Affirming housing, you will be in the General Housing pool and will see potential roommates who have the same gender marker as you have on file with Tulane University.

Both Mixed Gender and Gender Affirming housing options are voluntary.

All options are available to all returning students and will be offered throughout campus in a variety of building and room types as well as room rates.

Once you select an option in your Housing Application you will only be able to see other potential roommates who also selected the same housing option. You may return to this housing application and change your choice of housing preference at any time. The choice selected does not give priority for room type or location.

General Housing
This type of housing allows undergraduate students of the same gender marker within the Tulane system the ability to live together. This is the default, if Mixed Gender or Gender Affirming Housing is not selected.

Mixed Gender
Mixed Gender Housing allows undergraduate students of any gender the option of living in the same room/suite/or apartment with other students regardless of their gender marker on file with Tulane University.

Gender Affirming
Gender Affirming Housing allows undergraduate students of any gender the option of living in the same room/suite/or apartment with other students regardless of their gender marker on file with Tulane University. GAH is designed to be a more inclusive home on campus for students who identify as transgender, nonbinary, lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, intersex, queer, asexual, agender, questioning (LGBTQIA+), and their allies.

Students who opt in to Mixed Gender or Gender Affirming housing must be willing to work with Housing and Residence Life to fill any future vacancies in their suite should a member of their suite leave for any reason. If students are unable to help fill the vacancy in their suite, Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to assign students to the suite or to relocate students, as needed. 

Tulane is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Legally protected demographic classifications such as race, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status, etc. are not relied upon as an eligibility or participation criteria for employment or educational programs or activities.

Helpful Housing Information

For more information on our communities, their amenities, and to see 360 degree photos check out the Our Communities page. 

Floor plans will be available for students to view in the Housing Portal after timeslots have been issued. 

Once timeslots have been issued students will be able to see the Available Rooms page in the Housing Portal. This page shows live data of rooms available for selection. This page will not be on during room selection, but will be available at the end of each selection day. 

Housing Waitlists

Waitlists are utilized following Returning Room Selection for students who do not select a room, or are unable to select a room, including rising second-year students who are required to live on-campus or rising fourth year students who wish to live on campus.

Guaranteed Waitlist (rising second and third years only) - Rising second-year and third-year students who do not select a room, or are unable to select a room, during Returning Student Room Selection will be added to the Guaranteed Waitlist. Only rising second-year and third-year students are eligible to be added to the Guaranteed Waitlist as this waitlist is only for students who are guaranteed housing but were unable to be given a confirmed room assignment at the conclusion of Returning Student Room Selection. Students added to the Guaranteed Waitlist are required to still complete a 2025-2026 Housing Application, if they have not already. Students on the Guaranteed Waitlist will receive on-campus housing prior to Fall 2025 Move-in.

Fourth-Year Waitlist - fourth-year students who were unable to select a room due to unavailable space, may choose to join the Fourth-Year Waitlist. Students added to this waitlist are NOT guaranteed to receive on-campus housing for the 2025-2026 academic year, and are highly encouraged to seek off-campus housing early. Students are NOT automatically added to this waitlist, and must opt-on to the waitlist when offered to join the waitlist via email. 

Please contact us at if you have questions about the waitlists. 

Wish List

Every effort is made to give students the opportunity to select a room that fits their preferences. Following Returning Student Room Selection, students who wish to receive a room assignment that is different than what was selected may submit a Wish List request. Students may submit any change they wish to have in their room assignment, including requesting a different room, different room type, different building, to live with different students in a specific room assignment, etc. If space becomes available that matches the student's request between April and mid-July, a Room Change Offer is sent to the student via email. Students have 48 hours to review the Room Change Offer and respond if they wish to accept. Every student must individually accept their room change offer via email by the deadline, should a room change be extended to a roommate group. Students who decline a Room Change Offer made from the Wish List may not receive an additional offer should they decline an offer that is in-line with the preferences stated on their Wish List request. Students are highly encouraged to give serious consideration to any Room Change Offer in a timely manner.

Housing Accommodations

Students who require consideration for special housing accommodations based on medical need and/or disability status must apply with the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility. Students should complete and submit their application and Provider Form by January 17, 2025. More information about applying for housing accommodations is available on the Goldman Center website here.

Returning students who intend to request an accommodation for the 2025-2026 academic year are encouraged to submit their request and supporting medical documentation to Goldman in advance. If you are approved for a housing accommodation, you will be contacted by Housing and Residence Life regarding your housing needs prior to Room Selection. If you do not receive a determination from the Goldman Center before Room Selection, proceed with the regular housing assignment process. Your accommodation does not extend to your preferred roommates. Students with an accommodation wishing to select in a roommate group should go through the Room Selection process. If you are unable to select a room that meets your needs through that process please contact Housing and Residence Life and you (not your roommates) will be reassigned. Students with accommodations that are not selecting with a roommate can go through the Room Selection process or contact housing prior to Room Selection to discuss their housing options. If you are approved for housing accommodations after Room Selection, contact to discuss available spaces. Fourth year students with accommodations are not guaranteed housing. For more information on housing accommodations please see the Goldman Center.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a rising 4th year, or transfer student, will I be able to live on campus for 2025-2026?

While rising fourth-year and transfer students are not guaranteed housing for 2025-2026, Housing and Residence Life anticipates having space on campus to house many of these students who want to live on campus. All students are encouraged to apply for housing.

What if I don't like my room assignment? 
Students who wish to change their room after Room Selection will be added to a Wish List and offered spaces as they become available. This process will not begin until after Room Selection closes.

What happens if I no longer need on-campus housing for 2025-2026? 
If you are studying abroad, withdrawing, or taking a leave from the University next year, you will need to inform Housing and Residence Life as soon as your plans have changed so that we can update the status of your housing. Please submit a Housing Agreement Release Request. Cancellation penalties may apply; refer to your Housing Agreement for details.

I am going to be a second-year or third-year student for 2025-2026 and I am interested in living off-campus. Can you give me special permission? 
Students who meet the Residency Exemption guidelines outlined in the Housing Agreement should complete a Residency Exemption Request Form and submit this form and any supporting documentation to us via email at

I don't know who I want to live with next year. Can you help me find a roommate?
Students who are eligible to participate in roommate matching will receive a time slot and can log into the Housing Portal to search for roommates. You can search for potential roommates in the Housing Portal based on answers to Lifestyle Questions. There are also a variety of different events on-campus throughout the semester that can assist you with making connections with other students at Tulane University!

I am looking for off-campus housing. Where do I begin?
There are a variety of resources to assist students in searching for off-campus housing. Housing and Residence Life has a variety of resources on our website here.

Other Questions? CONTACT US!
Housing and Residence Life
River Hall, 29 McAlister Drive, New Orleans, LA 70118-5645

Revised January 16, 2025