Rates and Housing Agreement

Click below to view the rates and Housing Agreement for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

2024-2025 Rates and Housing Agreement 

2024-2025 Rates

Apartment and Suite Style Living

Suite Style: 2210 Calhoun, Décou-Labat, Greenbaum, Lake, Mayer, River, Wall, Warren, and Weatherhead Halls

Apartment Style: Aron Apartments

Single Private Bath$13,682$6,841Décou-Labat, Greenbaum, Lake, River,  Weatherhead, Wall
Double Private Bath$13,116$6,558Décou-Labat, Lake, River, Weatherhead, Wall, Warren
Single Room$12,806$6,4032210 Calhoun, Aron, Décou-Labat, Greenbaum, Lake, Mayer, River, Wall, Weatherhead
Double Room$12,260$6,130All Areas
Expanded Double$11,166$5,583Wall
Expanded Triple Room$10,358$5,179Wall


Community Style Living

Community Style: Butler, Josephine Louise, Monroe, Sharp, and Warren Halls

Single Room$12,260$6,130Josephine Louise, Monroe, Warren
Double Room$10,758$5,379All Areas
Triple Room$10,358$5,179Josephine Louise Only

The posted 2024-2025 rates are tentative and subject to approval by the Board of Administrators.

2024-2025 Housing Agreement

This Housing Agreement is signed electronically by students in their Housing Application. Students under the age of 18 will submit the name and email address of a parent or guardian to sign as their representative. The parent or guardian shall be responsible for all obligations of the student contained in this agreement. 

1. This Residence Hall License (the "Agreement") is between the individual named on this Agreement (herein the "Resident") and The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, d/b/a Tulane University (herein the "University"). 

This Agreement is for both the fall and spring semester of the 2024 - 2025 academic year. The Agreement is a license for housing space only, is not a lease, and does not guarantee assignment to a particular hall or room, nor does it guarantee assignment with specific roommate(s).  Priority for housing is given to full-time students in a degree-granting program. The Resident agrees to allow no other person to occupy the licensed space nor grant the right to another person to occupy the licensed space nor assign this Agreement to another person(s). This Agreement cannot be extended into a future license period. The Resident may only use licensed space as a residence. This Agreement will not be accepted or processed unless the student is accepted to the University. Further, this Agreement is legally binding upon signature.


A. OCCUPANCY OF RESIDENCE HALLS:For the fall 2024 semester, rooms may be occupied on Saturday, August 17, 2024, and must be vacated by NOON on Sunday, December 15, 2024 or 24 hours after the Resident's last exam, whichever occurs first, unless otherwise specified by the agreement. For the spring 2025 semester, rooms may be occupied on, Sunday January 12, 2025 and must be vacated by NOON on Friday, May 9, 2025, or 24 hours after the Resident’s last exam, whichever occurs first, unless otherwise specified by the Department of Housing and Residence Life ("HRL" or "University Housing"). The Resident agrees not to remain in residence after the termination date of this Agreement. All residential areas remain open during Fall, Thanksgiving, Mardi Gras, Easter and Spring Breaks. The residence halls are closed during the winter break. Residents desiring to remain in residence during the winter break may apply for winter break housing.  Residents approved to stay over winter break may be charged for the additional nights. 


All personal property must be removed from all residential areas on the last day of occupancy. Resident agrees that he or she will be responsible for any costs incurred by the University for the removal, disposal, or storage (purely at the discretion of the University) of any personal property remaining in the room after the last day of occupancy. Nothing in this Agreement obligates the University to store personal property left in the room of the Resident. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, Resident agrees that the University has no responsibility or liability regarding the personal property in the room of the Resident during and after the term of this Agreement, and further agrees to release and hold the University harmless for any liability in connection with loss, theft, destruction, or disposal of personal property in the room of the Resident.


B. RATES: The actual amount due from Resident is based upon the type of room assigned to Resident, as specified in rate sheet located on the University's website: http://housing.tulane.edu/. There are a variety of different assignments available and several different rates. If the room assignment changes, the rate will change also. Residents moving to a more expensive room will have the additional housing  charges placed on their student account. Residents moving to a less expensive room will have a credit placed on their account.


C. ADVANCE PAYMENTS: A $250 advance payment must be paid by incoming first-year and transfer students admitted through Undergraduate Admission at the time they pay the admissions enrollment deposit. New students declining their admission to the University after payment may request a refund in writing to the Department of Housing and Residence Life by their admission enrollment deposit deadline. Students who decline enrollment after their admission enrollment deposit deadline are not eligible for refund. This advance payment will then be applied to the housing charges for the 2024-2025 academic year. All other charges due under or as a consequence of this agreement must be received by the due dates specified in the bills and statements therefor that you will receive from the University, or the University may terminate this agreement, withhold registration and academic records, and hold non-paying students responsible for all costs, including collection agency and legal fees, incurred by the University in collecting past-due payments owed under this agreement.


D. ELIGIBILITY: Any person who has been admitted or will be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student as defined by the Office of the Registrar. Residents whose status becomes part-time as defined by the Office of the Registrar must immediately notify Housing and Residence Life, which has sole discretion in determining whether such part-time students may continue to reside on campus. Graduate students enrolled in degree seeking programs may be able to live in on campus housing based on availability. If a resident fails to enroll, or fails to pay fees of a full-time student resulting in the loss of status as an enrolled student, the resident's housing assignment will be cancelled, and the resident agrees to vacate the premises within 48 hours. Students enrolled in the School of Professional Advancement are not eligible to live in on campus housing. 


2. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT – First Year and Second Year Students: All undergraduate students enrolled as first time full-time students at Tulane (taking 12 or more credit hours at Tulane) are REQUIRED to reside in the residence halls during their first and second year (freshman and sophomore years). Class year is based on total academic years at Tulane, not credit hours earned. (Note that beginning in the 2025-2026 academic year, it is currently anticipated that Third Year students will also be required to reside in the residence halls.)


A. EXCEPTIONS: Residents who can provide written verification for the following: (1) local residency with a parent or legal guardian, within a 50 miles radius of Tulane's main campus in Uptown (2) above 21 years of age, (3) legally married or (4) guardianship of a minor, may request an exception to the residency requirement to Housing and Residence Life. First year students must apply for an exception by June 1, 2024. Second year students must apply for an exception by March 1, 2024. For students requesting an exception based on local residency, exemption requests must include the following: (1) Resident Name, (2) ID Number, (3) letter of consent from the parent or guardian, and (4) verification of local address (within 50 miles of the uptown campus) as primary residence of the parent or guardian. Verification may include home visits to verify accuracy of information.


If a local student is accommodated on campus, the student will be required to reside on campus for the full academic year.


B. CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT VIOLATIONS: The residency requirement does not preclude the removal of first and second year students from the residence halls and termination of their residence hall contract if the student does not abide by the rules and regulations of the University. A resident whose residence hall contract is terminated by the University for disciplinary reasons will forfeit all housing charges and will be ineligible for a refund of any housing fees.


C. MEAL PLAN: All first- and second- Year students are required to purchase a dining plan, at an additional cost beyond housing charges. Refer to the Tulane University Dining Services website (http://www.diningservices.tulane.edu/) for information regarding dining plan types and rates. If a resident who is required to select a dining plan does not do so, they will automatically be assigned a dining plan. Questions can be e-mailed todining@tulane.edu. 


3. CANCELLATION - All residents requesting a housing cancellation must complete a Housing Agreement Release Request. All Housing Agreement Release Requests must be approved by the Department of Housing and Residence Life, in its sole discretion. This agreement binds the Resident for the entire occupancy period unless HRL receives a written Housing Agreement Release Request and HRL grants the request. By cancelling the housing agreement all subsequent housing assignments will also be cancelled.  Students wishing to return must reapply for housing.  


A. FALL 2024 TERM CANCELLATIONS. If a Resident’s Housing Agreement Release Request is approved for Fall 2024, the Resident’s room charges will be refunded pro-rata based on the date of move-out.  In addition, the below cancellation fees will be assessed to the Resident’s student account. The date of cancellation is based on the date of receipt of the Housing Agreement Release Request. 


i. Fall 2024 Housing Cancellation Fees and Deadlines for returning students 


1. Before April 1, 2024: $0

2. April 1 through May 31, 2024: $750

3. June 1 through July 15, 2024: $1500

4. July 16 through September 6, 2024: $2000

5. September 7 through September 13, 2024: 50% of the remaining room rate

6. September 14 through September 19, 2024: 75% of the remaining room rate

7. September 20, 2024 and beyond: 100% of the remaining room rate


Fall 2024 Housing Cancellation Fees and Deadlines for incoming first-year and transfer students


1. Before June 1, 2024: $0

2. June 1 through July 15, 2024: $1500

3. July 16 through September 6, 2024: $2000

4. September 7 through September 13, 2024: 50% of the remaining room rate

5. September 14 through September 19, 2024: 75% of the remaining room rate

6. September 20, 2024 and beyond: 100% of the remaining room rate 


B. SPRING 2025 TERM CANCELLATIONS. If a Resident’s Housing Agreement Release Request is approved for Spring 2025, the Resident’s room charges will be refunded pro-rata based on the date of move-out.  In addition, the below cancellation fees will be assessed to the Resident’s student account. The date of cancellation is based on the date of receipt of the Housing Agreement Release Request.


Spring 2025 Housing Cancellation Fees and Deadlines 


1. Before November 1, 2024: $750

2. November 1 through December 12, 2024: $1500

3. December 13, 2024 through January 23, 2025: $2000

4. January 24 through February 6, 2025: 50% of the remaining room rate

5. February 7 through February 20, 2025: 75% of the remaining room rate

6. February 21, 2025 and beyond: 100% of the remaining room rate


C. Waivers of Cancellation Fee may be granted on a case by case basis, in the sole discretion of HRL. Students requesting a Housing Agreement Release because of medical leave of absence,  study away, graduation, or active military enlistment may be eligible for a cancellation fee waiver, in the sole discretion of HRL. A student transferring to another institution of higher education from Tulane is eligible for a waiver of half the amount of cancellation fees if the student (i) can demonstrate acceptance at the other institution of higher education and  (ii) has submitted a Housing Release Agreement  within 10 business days of accepting their admission at the other institution of higher education.


D. If a Resident never occupies or vacates the assigned space without submitting a written Housing Agreement Release Request, or if a Resident’s cancellation request is not approved by the Department of Housing and Residence Life, this agreement will not be canceled, and the Resident will continue to be responsible for all fees due under or as a consequence of this agreement for the entire occupancy period. 


4. TERMINATION. The University reserves the right at any time, in its sole discretion, to terminate this agreement, to suspend the Resident from housing, to postpone or cancel the assignment of any space, or to postpone the commencement of the occupancy period: 


A. if the Resident fails to pay any sum due under this agreement when due, violates any other term of this agreement, ceases to be a University student, or fails to occupy or improperly vacates the assigned space; or


B. if the assigned space is unavailable for dormitory use or unusable due to any damage, construction, renovation, or repair; or


C. if the Resident violates any term of this agreement or the policies and regulations of the University and the Department of Housing and Residence Life that are or shall become effective during the occupancy period; or


D. for any other reason that the University, in its sole discretion, deems to be good cause.


E. Upon termination of this agreement or suspension from housing the Resident is required to immediately vacate the assigned space. In the event this agreement is terminated, or the Resident is suspended from housing, the University may take any and all action to remove the Resident from the assigned space. If this agreement is terminated because of the Resident’s failure fully to perform any of the Resident’s obligations under this agreement, the Resident will continue to be liable for the full amount of the Resident’s housing charges and cancellation fees. 


Residents must notify HRL in writing, before the Check-In Date contemplated by this Agreement, if they plan to arrive late to avoid cancellation of their agreement. 


5. ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments for returning resident students will correspond to the rooms chosen during the returning student selection process unless otherwise specified by HRL. New student’s housing assignments will be made at the discretion of HRL. Every effort is made to honor specific roommate and room type requests, however, space limitations and high demand for specific spaces may prevent honoring requests. HRL has the sole right to make room assignments and room changes. The University makes all assignments without regard to race, color, religion, sexual orientation or national origin and rejects all requests for changes of assignments based on reasons of race, color, religion, sexual orientation or national origin. HRL reserves the right to discard or store at no liability personal property remaining in an assigned room after the room has been reassigned to another resident or is not vacated at the prescribed time. Residents who are academically suspended or dismissed from the University will forfeit their priority room assignment. If the Resident receives special permission to enroll, an alternate assignment will be made for his or her room assignment -- meaning the resident will not receive his or her original room assignment.


A. ROOM CHANGES: Requests for assignment changes will not be accepted until (3) weeks after student’s official move in date. Thereafter, Resident must submit requests for assignment changes through the housing portal by submitting a Room Change Request Application. Every attempt will be made to honor requests; however, no guarantees can be made. Requests from first-year residents to move into upper-class areas will not be accepted. Residents may change rooms only after first receiving official authorization from HRL. Residents who make an unauthorized room change will incur a charge of $300 and may be required to return to their original assignment. Unauthorized room changes may result in Code of Conduct proceedings, administrative charges, and cancellation of the Agreement.


B. VACANCIES: The University reserves the right to consolidate or change room assignments, fill vacancies, and require a Resident to move to different rooms, in which event the Resident's account will be credited or charged the difference in room rate. Any behavior(s) by Resident which infringe upon the rights or space usage of room/apartment/suite-mates is STRICTLY prohibited and will result in Code of Conduct proceedings. In addition, if such behavior(s) result in the use by Resident of additional space or a private room, the Resident may be charged for such additional space. Consolidation begins one (1) week after the start of class -- meaning that students in rooms not fully occupied will be relocated to a room with a roommate. Students who do not relocate during this period will incur the super single rate for their room as determined by the housing rate schedule published on the Tulane Housing website.  In connection with a vacancy, the University has the right to remove the personal belongings of a vacating Resident in order to accommodate a new Resident occupying the vacated space. University shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such personal property.


C. EXPANDED HOUSING: During periods of high demand for on-campus housing, HRL reserves the right to utilize expanded housing. For example, three people may be assigned to a double-occupancy room and reassigned if space becomes available. Residents assigned to expanded housing will receive an adjusted charge determined by HRL reflecting the expanded occupancy of their room. 


D. SPECIAL HOUSING: Residents applying for Residential Learning Communities (cluster housing, etc.) must also agree to abide by the special rules and requirements applicable to such special housing programs.


E. OFF CAMPUS PROPERTY HOUSING: During periods of special circumstances for on-campus housing, HRL reserves the right to utilize off campus properties, including hotels in/near the City of New Orleans, as Residence Halls. Residents assigned to these properties will be expected to adhere to the terms of the 2024– 2025 Housing agreement, the Community Living Standards, the Code of Student Conduct as well as any policies required by the off campus property. 


6. ROOM AMENITIES: The University agrees to equip residence hall rooms to provide each resident with a bed, chest of drawers or closet organizer, closet space, desk, desk chair, and an Ethernet connection, and access to University Wifi. Residents acknowledge, however, that not every residence hall unit contains identical features and furnishings. Please refer to the HRL website for a list of amenities: https://housing.tulane.edu/residence-halls


A. OUTSIDE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Resident may not employ any person to perform work or service in the room without prior approval of HRL.


B. UTILITIES: The University agrees to provide reasonable amounts of air-conditioning, heat, water, and electricity during the occupancy period. Interruptions of any one or all of these services on a temporary basis for reasons of maintenance, repair, or catastrophe will not be considered a breach of this Agreement, and the University assumes no responsibility for damages such as food spoilage. If an interruption occurs, the University agrees to restore the affected service within a reasonable time. Provision of air conditioning and heat is determined by guidelines of the University Senate Committee on Energy Conservation. 


7. UNIVERSITY RIGHT OF ENTRY: The University reserves the right of authorized personnel to enter the licensed space, without notice, for housekeeping, maintenance or inventory purposes, to verify occupancy, to abate a public nuisance, and to protect interests related to the University's educational mission. The University further reserves the right to inspect a room and its contents to investigate a possible violation of University or residence hall policies, including but not limited to possessing illegal substances, or conducting activities that could endanger the life, safety or welfare of members of the University community. Upon any such entry and discovery of reasonable cause to suspect violations, authorized personnel may then also search and seize items related to illegal activity or violation of University policies. The University shall not be liable for loss or damage from any such entrance.


A. HEALTH AND SAFETY INSPECTIONS: The University shall have the right, but not the obligation, to conduct random health and safety inspections in all residence hall rooms. Code of Conduct proceedings may result from severe or repeated health and safety violations. It is the responsibility of each resident to comply with University health and safety regulations as outlined in the Community Living Standards. The health and safety inspections are not intended to be a substitute for such responsibility.


B. FIRE MARSHALL INSPECTIONS: The University is required to provide access to any residential space to the State of Louisiana Fire Marshall. Residents who are cited via these inspections must comply with any requirements to correct any and all violations. Residents who fail to correct these violations within the deadline outlined by HRL staff or within thirty (30) days (whichever occurs first) will be referred for Code of Conduct proceedings. 


8. KEYS/CARDS: The room and/or exterior door keys/cards issued to the Resident are the property of the University and cannot be exchanged, duplicated, or given to another person. Resident will be assessed a charge for the replacement for each lost or illegally duplicated key/card and for each replaced core. If Resident loses a suite, hall, or apartment key/card, Resident will be billed for replacing all affected keys/cards and locks. Residents must report a lost key/card immediately to their area desk to arrange replacement. In order to assist in avoiding being billed for card and key replacement, Residents are required to adhere to proper check-out procedures as instructed by HRL staff. Information on proper check-out procedures will be sent to student’s Tulane email upon cancellation of housing or is available by HRL website during peak move out times at s://housing.tulane.edu/housing-logistics.


9. RESPONSIBILITY FOR STUDENT PROPERTY:The University disclaims any responsibility for, and Resident hereby releases and holds the University harmless from, any liability arising from any loss or damage to any personal property (including without limitation money or valuables) located in any room occupied by Resident or located elsewhere on University property. The University shall not be responsible for any property of the Resident which may be lost, damaged, or stolen, or for any loss thereof occasioned by fire, the elements, or other casualty. The University is not responsible for reimbursement for, or replacement of, damaged personal property, regardless of the cause of damages. The University does not provide liability insurance for theft or damage to the personal property of Resident. Residents are advised to secure personal property insurance to protect against personal loss or damages. Residents may be able to obtain coverage under their parents' homeowner's policy, but Residents should consult an insurance agent to determine if this is the case, or whether a separate renter's policy is necessary to provide protection to a Resident. As a convenience,  University’s Office of Insurance and Risk Management website: https://risk.tulane.edu/content/personal-property-or-liability-insurance contains a list of insurance companies that may be able to provide information to residents concerning coverage options. The University does not endorse any of these companies. A Resident is under no obligation to consult any company on this list, and may contact any insurance agent for assistance.


10. FOOD PREPARATION AND STORAGE: The University permits cooking in designated kitchen areas of the residence halls only. In all other areas, cooking will be permitted only with a University approved microwave. Only University approved refrigerators and/or Micro-fridge units may be used.


11. SMOKE DETECTOR TAMPERING/MAINTENANCE: Safety of students living in on campus housing is paramount. The University is a tobacco and smoke free environment, meaning that smoking, and the use of all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and vaporizers, is prohibited on all university property, either owned or leased. Tampering with a smoke detector, removal of a smoke detector or disabling a smoke detector in any way will result in an immediate referral to the Office of Student Conduct.   If the Resident is found responsible through the university conduct process for violating this provision, sanctions may include immediate removal from university housing, a fine of at least $400, disciplinary probation, or other appropriate sanctions imposed by the student conduct officer. 

A Resident so removed from university housing shall remain liable for the full contracted housing charge pursuant to this license agreement.


12. RESIDENCE HALL DAMAGE: The University reserves the right to levy and collect charges for damages, unauthorized use, or alterations to rooms or equipment. The Resident is responsible for any and all damages incurred during the term of the Agreement to any living/study areas in University residence halls, the Resident's assigned residence hall room, and/or loss of any furniture. In all cases, the University’s damage assessment is conclusive. A Resident may not cause damage to the property of the University or property of others on the University premises. If the individual or individuals responsible for the damage cannot be determined, after reasonable investigation, HRL may assign the responsibility to all residents of the appropriate living unit. Resident understands that he or she is individually, and jointly with other residents, responsible for and may be charged a pro-rated share of the cost of whatever damage may occur from any cause to the public or semi-private areas in the residence halls. All damage charge(s), which remain unpaid after the due date stated on the invoice, may result in the cancellation of the current room assignment and/or elimination of future consideration for housing assignments and any other action deemed necessary for collection by the University.




Room Inspections will be used to determine the condition of the room at Check In and Check Out. The room inspection will determine baseline condition for any billing assessed to the Resident for damage to the residence hall room. Residents will be notified via their University email account within thirty (30) business days of Resident Check Out regarding charges for any damages to the residence hall room. This notification will outline any damages done to the room along with the appropriate charge(s) for the damage(s). Further, this notification will outline the procedure for appealing damage charge(s). Appeals must be received no later than ten (10) business days of the date of the notification


Please note: Work orders are not automatically generated by the completion of the room inspection. For items not functioning properly, the Resident is responsible to submit a work order via Service Wave. Instructions are available through the Housing and Residence Life website.


B. ROOM ALTERATION: The Resident may not install equipment, make alterations, or perform repairs to the Resident’s  room (examples include but are not limited to painting, replacing carpet or removing/replacing furnishings, fixtures or equipment) without prior permission from HRL in accordance with related University policies or guidelines.


C. CLIMATE: Resident acknowledges and understands that (a) the assigned space is located in a climate in which temperatures, humidity, and other naturally occurring conditions normally allow the growth of mold and mildew in locations where dampness or moisture are present; and (b) upon moving into the assigned space, Resident will have control over and knowledge concerning conditions in the interior of the assigned space. Therefore, Resident agrees to do the following: (a) set thermostats to provide appropriate climate control; (b) maintain the assigned space in a clean condition by mopping, vacuuming, or wiping hard surfaces with a household cleaner; (c) promptly remove visible moisture or condensation on floors, walls, windows, ceilings and other surfaces; and (d) take other measures as may be necessary to prevent mold and mildew from accumulating in the assigned space (including without limitation reporting immediately to the University any evidence of water leaks, mold-like, or mildew-like growth). 


13. COLLECTION: Failure to meet any financial obligations of this Agreement may result in a delinquent account being placed with a collection agency, with legal action and other collection procedures. The Resident agrees to be responsible for all costs incurred by the University in collecting the Resident’s delinquent account, including but not limited to, reasonable attorney fees and court costs. 


14. GOVERNING LAWS: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana. 


15. OTHER RESIDENTS: The University shall in no way be responsible for the non-observance by any other resident of any housing contract or Community Living Standards and shall not be liable to any resident or guests and invitees for any damage to persons or property by the act, omission or negligence of any other resident. 


16. EXCLUSIONS: If for any reason occasioned by hurricane, fire, strike, earthquake, accident, flood, riot, emergency, or natural disaster the University is unable to provide housing, the University has the right to cancel this Agreement without incurring any further liability.  


17. APPEALS: Residents wishing to appeal any housing policy decision or charge must do so officially in writing. Resident forfeits any rights to appeal matters that have not been raised once a new license period begins. The Contract and Billing Appeals Form can be found on the Housing and Residence Life website: https://housing.tulane.edu/content/billing-appeal-form. The Resident is required to submit any official documentation to support the appeal. The merits of any appeal will be based solely on the written letter, supporting documentation provided, information conveyed verbally, electronically, and in writing, and records maintained by HRL and the University. Appeal decisions will be communicated to the student electronically via the student's University email account. 


18. COMPLIANCE WITH UNIVERSITY POLICIES: The Resident shall comply with all University policies and rules and regulations set forth in the Tulane University Code of Student Conduct, Community Living Standards, and Public Health Emergencies Expectations. These rules and regulations and any subsequently enacted rules and regulations are made a part of this Agreement by reference. Additionally, students assigned by HRL to alternate or temporary locations, will be required to abide by any applicable additional policies. 


19. REMEDIES: In the event Resident breaches the terms of this Agreement, the University may, without advance notice, immediately cancel and terminate this Agreement and all rights of use and occupancy of Resident and, in such event, the university is further hereby authorized to enter the Resident’s room for the purpose of removing the Resident, changing the locks, and removing and storing all belongings and property of the Resident remaining in the room, with Resident releasing University from any liability for such removal and storage. The University shall have no obligation to reimburse the Resident of the value of such property. Any personal property of a Resident not claimed within ten (10) days of removal shall be deemed abandoned by Resident, and University may dispose of such property without liability to Resident.  


20. RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION: Resident releases and holds harmless the University from, and will indemnify it against, any loss, damage or other claim or expense resulting from or arising out of any violation by Resident of the terms of this Agreement or any personal injury or property damage resulting from Resident's negligence or intentional misconduct. 


21. NO WAIVER: Failure of the University to strictly and promptly exercise any right granted in this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of University's right to subsequently enforce such rights and no indulgence, extension or delay by University shall be construed as a waiver of any such right. 


22. DISCLOSURE OF A CRIME: If, prior to commencing occupancy of a room, Resident has been convicted of, pled guilty to, or pled nolo contendere to, any misdemeanor, felony or other crime (including any convictions by military trial), it is the Resident's responsibility to inform, in writing, the Executive Director of HRL (the "Director"), before Resident commences occupancy, providing a description of the conviction or plea, the date the conviction or plea occurred, the location of the court, the disposition of the case, and an explanation of the circumstances surrounding the conviction or plea.  If the conviction or plea occurs after Resident begins occupancy, Resident must notify the Director, in writing, within five days of such conviction or plea. If Resident fails to notify the Director as provided in this paragraph, the Director may immediately terminate this Agreement, and require Resident to vacate immediately.

Upon receipt of the notice of conviction or plea described in the preceding paragraph, the Director will consider the information provided by the Resident and the Director retains sole discretion to assess whether to terminate this Agreement, bar Resident from occupancy, or require Resident to vacate the assigned space immediately. 


23. REQUIREMENT TO VACATE IN EMERGENCY: In the event the administration of the University orders one or more Tulane campuses to close because of a hurricane, natural disaster, or other emergency, HRL may require any Resident to vacate any occupied room, until further notice from HRL, without any credit for housing charges paid. 


Agreement to Deal Electronically 

By choosing to electronically sign the Tulane University Residence Hall License Agreement below, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions: 


All electronic communications will be sent to your official Tulane University email account.


At the end of this document you will be asked to provide an electronic signature. By doing so you will be agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of the 2024 -2025 Tulane University Residence Hall License Agreement. Your electronic signature is legally binding.


You agree to contact the Department of Housing and Residence Life if you need information about your Tulane University Residence Hall License Agreement, and you recognize that electronic communication with that office may be interrupted by circumstances beyond that office's control.


You agree to be responsible for keeping all records relating to the Tulane University Residence Hall License Agreement and for printing or making an electronic copy of these Terms and Conditions. Except as prohibited by law, you waive any requirement of a different method of communication in connection with your access to and communications about the Tulane University Residence Hall License Agreement.  


Housing and Residence Life Office-Tulane University- River Hall 


I hereby certify that I will be enrolled in classes at Tulane University during the Agreement period. I agree that I have RECEIVED AND READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, and agree that they constitute a part of this Agreement as fully as if set out over my signature. I understand that I am signing a BINDING Agreement.